Updates: Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague will release decision regarding on the PHILIPPINES case against China in South China Sea issue on July 12, 2016.
On Tuesday, July 12 at 11AM, the court will issue written decision. The whole world is watching and according to experts and analysts that it will be infavor of the Philippines. Former- President Benigno Aquino III challenged China on its claim in West Philippine Sea, accusing China on overlapping claim within 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) near Philippine shore. China insists that the area is within their so-called nine-dash-line which they owned it hundreds of years already.

Meanwhile, Pentagon said that China has deployed several weapons and missiles in the disputed sea to deter any actions from any countries after the ruling. China has already expressed that they will not follow any ruling of Arbitrarion court and said the court has no jurisdiction on the issue.
Several groups and organizations in the Philippines will be having victory party on Tuesday.
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Author: Jerome d.t.